Earh 28 2

Chapter 28 Decisive Battle

Edited by: Kanaa-senpai

 For some reason, he seems to be enjoying himself a little

 ”Of course”

 Chihiro replies, and Kamishiro smiles and kicks the floor

 Then, from the front, Kamishiro kick his heel to Chihiro’s left shoulder. Chihiro hurriedly lifted his wooden sword and used it as a shield. As soon as he did, he heard a creaking sound from the blade

 ”…But, can you block this?”

 A small voice

 Just as Chihiro is about to say something back, a fist dug into his stomach and he suffocates. Then, Kamishiro regained his footing and attacked him again with almost no preliminary movement

 The force of the attack is not as great as it might have been, but Chihiro retreats a few steps

 ”I’m surprised. You’re much more used to fighting than before”

 ”Thank you”

 And then a few more attacks hit Chihiro

 Kamishiro’s attacks are somewhat sporadic, but each blow is heavy and fast. Chihiro tried hard to avoid the clean hits, but he could not fight back, and the damage is gradually accumulating

 However, the crowd is surprised to hear Chihiro’s voice


 ”Oh. How can he be so tough?”

 Of course, it’s because of his mind-reading ability

 Without it – for example, by cutting off his gaze with a wink, as Aika did – Chihiro would have been knocked down in an instant


 Having seen Kamishiro’s movements so many times in such a short time, his eyes are starting to get used to them

 ”Let’s give it a shot”

 With a voice, Kamishiro unleashed an attack identical to the first one

 The only difference is that it is much faster, and it had a different outcome than the first attack

 Like before, Kamishiro’s kick collided with the wooden sword that Chihiro had launched to intercept him. A deep, harsh sound reverberated throughout the area, yet there were some differences

 The wooden sword snapped in half and fell to the floor

 Kamishiro had broken the hard-wooden sword with only his bare hands and feet. Although the blade is covered by a protective cover, it is still possible to break the wooden sword inside… but the cover is torn off with it too

 Despite this, Kamishiro’s expression is not happy

 ”…Sorry, Izumi-kun”

 His voice is as calm as usual

 However, his tightened expression is as serious as ever

 ”I can’t guarantee how it will turn out, but I’ll go full force. I’ll take full responsibility and take you to the infirmary when I’m done”

 *murmur* *murmur*

 At this point, the excitement in the crowd reached a climax

 Rank C, Yuuki Kamishiro, is giving his all against Rank E, Chihiro Izumi. This development is unexpected by almost everyone in the room

 In a sense, Kamishiro’s declaration is like a death sentence, and Chihiro nodded as he threw away half of his wooden sword


 ”Thank you”


 The floor of the large training hall trembled

 More than the first blow. More than any other attack since. Kamishiro is several steps faster, closing in on Chihiro in the blink of an eye

 And the moment Chihiro realized this

 He received a fist that swung slightly downward, and is slammed down hard into him toward the floor of the training ground


 Chihiro screams as his chest is hit by the fist and his back is slammed. His vision flickered, and it took a few seconds for him to regain feeling in his hands

 However, he managed to stand up, staggering to his feet

 ”Will you give up?”

 Kamishiro said with a serious expression

 Chihiro looked at him and shook his head with a wry smile

 ”Sorry, I can’t”

 ”…I see”

 Chihiro tried to grab Kamishiro’s arm and used a throwing technique. But when he still got up, he is thrown into the air with an uppercut from below and knocked to the floor

 His head hurts

 His arms, stomach, and back hurt. If things don’t go well, it may last for several days. But, Chihiro wonder how much his ability can shorten it

 Still, he stood

 The crowd had quieted down before he knew it

 Even Kamishiro looked at him as if he had seen something strange

 ”Izumi-kun. Does your ability heal…”

 ”It doesn’t”

 ”Then why?”

 Then why is he standing up?

 To his question, Chihiro answered in a faint voice

 ”I’m sure it’s the same as Kamishiro-kun’s when you fought Fukami-san”

 ”… So, it’s like that, huh?”

 He exhaled and clenched his fists

 Kamishiro moves away from Chihiro and takes a lightly stooped posture

 ”Izumi-kun. I’ll go with a frontal fist. This is the last one”

 The last

 The declaration that he would definitely decide with this blow sounded grim



 Then at last, it’s time to try the one and only “chance of victory”

 Chihiro tightly made a fist with his left hand and formed a stance. His posture is very similar to Kamishiro’s

 A blow with all his might

 Only, he would deliver it to the oncoming Kamishiro

 ”Here I go”

 The speed is now too fast to even be seen from the front

 The fist, whose trajectory is unpredictable without warning, is met with his left fist. The two fists collide, and there is a sound as if something is crushing

 Chihiro is outmatched

 Unable to kill the impact, the left half of his arm swung far behind him. If he had been attacked in the meantime, he would have been killed, but Kamishiro never pursued him

 ”What did you do?”

 However, Kamishiro is holding his left hand with a shocked expression on his face

 It doesn’t seem to be broken. His body, strengthened by his ability, must have managed to withstand the power of two people

 However, it should be useless for a while

 Chihiro answered the question with his dangling left arm, which had lost its feeling

 ”I just hit you as hard as I could. And I intentionally used more force than my arm could withstand”

 ”…Hey. How did you do that?”

 ”I practiced”

 When people move their bodies, they subconsciously save their strength so that their bones and muscles will not be damaged by the movement. However, when a person is angry or acts reflexively, this limiter does not work, and as a result, the person may exert more power than usual

 Chihiro has practiced and achieved this intentionally

 He did this in order to make up for the lack of power in his body that does not have much muscle mass. And it’s for the sole purpose of striking Kamishiro with a single, effective blow

 ”It wasn’t as easy as it sounds, but it was not impossible”

 Actually, it’s not impossible to do. A person who is a little sensitive to pain or unaware of it may do it without thinking about it

 It’s just that a normal person wouldn’t do it

 Chihiro did it because it was necessary. He practiced it over and over again, learning how to use his strength without fear of pain. Thanks to this, for the past two weeks, he often had trouble using his left hand at night

 And so, this is the result

 Chihiro’s left arm is torn apart by Kamishiro’s power beyond the limit. At best it’s cracked, at worst it’s broken

 But, thanks to the cost, he was able to fight Kamishiro head on

 ”…you really”

 Hearing Chihiro’s explanation, Kamishiro let out a deep breath and shook his head

 ”Give it up. You’re in no condition to fight anymore.”

 He is right

 Chihiro’s left arm needed to be healed right away. There’s no time to keep fighting here


 ”I can’t give up when I can still stand”

 Chihiro said and clenched his fist. The right one, not the left. He only used his left for practice, but he could do the same thing with his dominant arm. There should be nothing he couldn’t do

 ”…Izumi-kun, you…”

 Kamishiro looked at Chihiro with a stern face. But then――


 He instantly clenched his right hand, and before Chihiro could react, he slammed his fist into Chihiro’s face

 The pain is so intense

 The impact is so strong that it seemed as if it might break his nose, and Chihiro fell on his back

 Chihiro then received a hard kick in the stomach, and fainted

 It’s a complete defeat for which there is no complaint

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